Memory Cleaner is considerably better because it uses functions built into Windows to judiciously free memory - with no performance impact whatsoever. You can now access Memory Cleaner functions from the tray icon without having to open up the main window. Download Total PC Cleaner - Free Disk Space Clean Up, Optimize Memory & Windows System now from Softonic: 100% safe and virus free. More than 400 down. 24 Best Free RAM Cleaner For Windows RAM Rush. RAMRush is a simple and free RAM cleaner software for Windows. It can not only be used to boost RAM, but also. RAM Saver Control Panel. RAM Saver Control Panel is a free RAM cleaner for Windows that lets. Wise Memory Optimizer automatically calculates and displays the used, free and total memory of your computer upon deployment, along with a pie chart. You can learn your PC memory usage at a glance. Single click the 'Optimize Now' button, the program can free up memory in several seconds.

Memory Cleaner is a freeware software download filed under memory optimizer software and made available by KoshyJohn for Windows.
The review for Memory Cleaner has not been completed yet, but it was tested by an editor here on a PC and a list of features has been compiled; see below.
Improves the speed on the available memory on your system
Tech-savvy folk are divided over how useful memory cleaning tools can be because Windows (Vista upwards at least) manage memory reasonably well. Most memory cleaning tools are not very useful because many of them use ill-advised techniques that are only relevant to older versions of Windows (pre-Vista).
MemoryCleaner is considerably better because it uses functions built into Windows to judiciously free memory - with no performance impact whatsoever. You can now access Memory Cleaner functions from the tray icon without having to open up the main window. The cleaning prodecures are both silent and the only alert you will see is the amount of RAM recovered briefly displayed in the window.
If you find your RAM usage exceeding 60% regularly, then MemoryCleaner is an absolute must have.

Features and highlights
- Trims processes working set
- Clears system cache
- Monitors RAM usage and reports minimum, maximum and average (true average, not (min max)/2)
- Reports Pagefile and virtual memory usage
Memory Cleaner 2.60 on 32-bit and 64-bit PCs
Memory Cleaner For Mac
This download is licensed as freeware for the Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) operating system on a laptop or desktop PC from memory optimizer software without restrictions. Memory Cleaner 2.60 is available to all software users as a free download for Windows.
Filed under:Automatic Memory Cleaner
- Memory Cleaner Download
- Freeware Memory Optimizer Software